Friday, February 6, 2009

My true inspiration for jumping into this blogging world is a little girl in China who I have not met yet. She is in my heart though. It is crazy...I long to hug and kiss her, love on her, tickle her, do cute girly things with her, and all the things a momma does...and I don't even know who she is. I often get choked up and shed a few tears as I await her arrival into her forever family. I wanted to have a record of the journey my heart will take mostly so I can sort out all the ups and downs my emotions will take. I also hope it will help those who read this to see that our God is a God of miracles! God is going to do amazing things to orchestrate the adoption of "our" little girl. I pray you will be strengthened in your faith as you watch HIS plan unfold. This is a dream that God formed in my heart long ago and I am ready to start the journey! To God be the Glory!